<Review by: Daylynn DeSouza>
Directed by Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman. Starring Kelly Macdonald, Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson.
Usually, when I see Disney about to release a movie, I just yawn and walk away because after watching movies like Tangled that leave me wishing I’d spent my money on something better like a hammer I can use to bash my own skull with, I’ve lost faith in them. But… Disney and Pixar have honestly come together and created a movie that has won me back.
Before we get to the movie itself, let’s talk about the animated short that you’ll be treated to before the movie starts. Pixar’s latest masterpiece is titled La Luna (The Moon), and, yes, it is a masterpiece. I haven’t enjoyed or liked an animated short like this since I saw Partly Cloudy (Which you should definitely watch if you haven’t seen it already. It’s available on the DVD of the movie Up). La Luna is a simply beautiful piece of animation with a cute yet enchanting story about a young boy, his father and his grandfather who are teaching him the magical family business. Watching this short will make you realise that something’s really do transcend language barriers, as there’s literally no dialogue in the entire short.
Let me get the Cons of Brave out of the way before I move onto the Pros.
The Cons:
At first glance the character design isn’t all that appealing but they do grown on you after a few minutes.
I really doubt it’s possible but there maybe one or two people out there who might have a little trouble understanding the character’s Scottish Accents.
The Pros:
I simply love everything about this movie from the characters to the special effects and the soundtrack.
Our tale takes place in the mystical of Scottish Highlands (home to bagpipes, haggis, kilts and people with a spirit so fiery you see it in their hair). Where the young princess Merida (Kelly Macdonald) who defies the custom and traditions of the land and her mother Elinor’s (Emma Thompson) wishes, accidentally causes turmoil amongst the different tribes and tries to make things right with a spell she buys from a woodcarving witch. Unfortunately for her the spell doesn’t work exactly the way she wants it to leading to some ‘grizzly’ consequences.
Unlike other Disney movies where the damsel in distress is rescued by the Handsome Prince Charming, the women of Brave don’t need any help from men and don’t end up getting rescued by their true love. Which is a much-welcomed change. The men in the movie are mainly comedic relief and the character of King Fergus (Billy Connolly) is brilliantly hilarious and charming while Merida’s younger triplet brothers are little scene-stealing scamps that you’ll simply adore. Best of all there’s also a wee bit o’ magic and even some Will-o’-the-wisps which do play a role in real Scottish folklore.
Without giving away any of the plot other than saying that arranged marriage plays a part, let me just say that aside from the brilliant story, the soundtrack and the visual appeal of the movie are simply amazing. The breath-taking backgrounds and scenery will definitely make you a fan of Scotland. And for a few short moments, you do actually believe that you belong there. Not since How To Train Your Dragon have I ever heard a soundtrack so well suited to a movie.
Brave is a family friendly movie that has action, adventure, magic, comedy and wild beasts… I don’t see what’s not like, except for the 3D, which once again has proved to be pointless just like all other 3D movies. It just robs the film of some of the bright and brilliant backgrounds and colours by making everything darker. So go out and book yer tickets righ’ now lads n’ lassies this is tale ye would no’ wan’ t’ miss.
Oh and don’t forget to stay till after the credits for an extra funny scene!
If you don’t agree to any of the views expressed in this review send an email to idonthaveanythingbettertodo@theinterweb/google.com
- Brave movie poster
- From the animated short La Luna
- Billy Connolly is the voice of the King in the movie Brave
- Merida and the wisp o’ the willow
- Family dinner in the movie Brave
- Merida the archer in the movie Brave