<Sailesh Ghelani>
We thought we’d pick our favourite films of 2012 and share them with you. If you missed them then tut-tut, go out now and buy the DVD (or download it). These aren’t necessarily the best films (you know, like the critics’ picks, all intelligent and la-di-da) but they’re films that we liked, loved or thought were different and surprised us in an ever-so-pleasant way. If you disagree then my dear readers realise that most films and their reviews are subjective depending on the likes, dislikes, background, state of mind at that moment of the watcher. So just add your favourites in the comments below.
1. Snow White & the Huntsman

Snow White & The Huntsman movie poster
Not expecting much from this remake of a classic fairy tale, especially after the slapstick, Bollywood-esque Mirror Mirror, I was utterly floored by this film. The stirring music, the enchanting imaginary world, the solid performances and sheer brilliant direction, all make Snow White & The Huntsman a modern classic.
Watch the trailer:
2. Argo

Argo movie poster
What a long, long way this man has come. From so-so actor who everyone thought was just a pretty face to big time director who can go shoulder-to-shoulder with the likes of George Clooney (who has co-produced this film with Affleck), Ben Affleck may just be nominated at the Oscars next year for Argo.
Watch the trailer:
3. The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises does justice to Batman and his sheer awesomeness. (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… The Justice League should be renamed ‘Batman & those other guys’). So let’s get into why you should watch it. Beginning with the fact that it’s NOT in 3D. Why is that you ask? Maybe because Christopher Nolan realised that he can make a good movie without using cheap gimmicks and giving into peer pressure.
Watch the trailer:
4. Madagascar 3

Madagascar 3 Europe’s Most Wanted movie poster
This funny animated franchise has just gotten better each time. The guys at Dreamworks have pushed as many clowns in the car as they could and made Madagascar 3 hilarious and visually fantastic.
Watch the trailer:
5. Rise of the Guardians

Rise of the Guardians movie poster
To be perfectly honest with you, if somebody told me to go watch a movie about Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, The Sandman and Jack Frost and their fight against the Boogieman… I’d tell them to go back home and get back to their ‘herbal’ cigarettes and Harold & Kumar marathons. I would however then be missing out on one of the best animated movies of this year. The others being Brave and Wreck-It Ralph.
Watch the trailer:
6. Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (No, we are not stark raving mad!)

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 movie poster
Over the years and the many Twilight films I and many other reviewers, critics, vampire-lovers and men have developed a sort of aversion to these abominations with their substandard CGI and dull romantic gobbledegook. A sigh of relief then at the final film and what’s this… I actually liked Breaking Dawn Part 2 more than Life of Pi! Hell must have frozen over.
Watch the trailer:
7. The Avengers
Iron Man (RobertDowney Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) have never seemed so much like their comic book counterparts than they do in The Avengers. And they got The Hulk right this time! Yay!
Watch the trailer:
8. Barfi!

Barfi! movie poster
The trailers don’t try to make this film look anything other than offbeat, perhaps causing it to be released in selected theatres but that also assures my attendance since I’m not a big fan of most ‘mass, leave your brains at home, masala Bollywood films’! But now I can finally say with pride that we can make good films that are worthy of being screened the world over.
PS: Everyone’s so upset with Anurag Basu and Barfi! for ripping off old classic films. But 90% of our films are copied in some way or other. And copied very, very badly. Credit to these guys for copying so well! I think we’re more disappointed that a film we really liked isn’t original. Well sadly that probably won’t change.
Watch the trailer:
9. Supermen of Malegaon

Learning how to fly
So I went for this film reluctantly and with no expectations. I was pleasantly surprised. Apart from being effortlessly funny it is an enlightening documentary on how an inspired group of villagers make their own movie. Necessity is truly the mother of invention here and I haven’t laughed so much at a film in ages. The audience clapped, whistled and cheered throughout. A movie that proves the old axiom: Never judge a book by its cover.
Watch the trailer:
10. Gangs of Wasseypur

Gangs of Wasseypur 2 movie poster
Part 1
A fabulous tale of man’s basest emotions: greed, hatred, fear, lust, and revenge…
Part 2
I waited for this release with so much enthusiasm, that after watching Part I twice (Gangs of Wasseypur Part I review here), I actually went in for a refresher and watched it again for a third time, just before heading in to watch Gangs of Wasseypur II. If there’s one thing that’s clear about Part II, it’s that it cannot, and should not, be viewed as a separate movie. The gory continuum of the saga stays true to its sole purpose: the vengeful ruin of Ramadhir Singh.
Watch the trailer:
PS: I also liked some other films that didn’t get releases in theatres in India but I saw them on DVD. Check them out in our Offbeat Movies You Must Watch on DVD post.