
<Review by: Sailesh Ghelani>

Directed by Nicholas Stoller. Starring Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne, Zac Efron, Dave Franco


I guess we can all thank The Hangover for creating a new genre of shock-em with vulgarity comedy films. Bad Neighbours is one such offering that uses lots of slapstick and vulgar situations skillfully improvised by talented actors.

Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly (Rose Byrne) Radner are living in suburban America with their new baby daughter. They’re juggling their new life and trying to have sex with a baby staring at them. Clearly they’re not used to this and a part of them misses their prolonged youth together. But their monotony is about to be broken when Teddy Sanders (Zac Efron) and his frat Delta Psi move into the house next door causing all sorts of noise and mayhem. The Radners want to appear cool so they join in the festivities at first to get Teddy and his frat boys and girls to ‘keep it down’ so their daughter can sleep and by consquence so can they.

But Teddy is playing them too and the all night raves don’t stop leading to Mac and Kelly calling the cops. And then the war begins. Basically it’s the two houses resorting to all sorts of juvenile tactics like getting the Bros to put Ho’s before… well bros, causing friction and leading the fraternity to expulsion from their college by the Dean (played by F.R.I.E.N.D.S’s Lisa Kudrow).

Frat boys making dildos out of the wax casts of their own penises and car air bags exploding in the weirdest places follow. Bare bodied Zac Efron will keep the ladies entertained but he’s just being himself with not much to do. The heavy pranks are played by Mac and Kelly who get into some pretty funny situations and they’re a treat to watch.

Director Nicholas Stoller has let the farce play on without too many side plots. You’ll laugh for sure because the charm of Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne is pretty hard to ignore. But it does all get a bit too much by the end, even though the film is only about 96 minutes long.

Go watch it with friends after a couple of beers; also, there’s a subtle message at the end about growing up and life with responsibilities not being so bad but you know that’s not really what the movie is about.

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