Angelina Jolie as Maleficent
Daylynn DeSouza gives you a sneak peek at the delightful and dark film takes on your favourite Fairy Tales
Remember being a kid and being told bedtime stories that would today be considered sexist and shallow? We all loved those stories, no matter how politically incorrect they were. And, now they’re back, politically correct, warped and ready to takeover Hollywood. You could say it started with Alice in Wonderland (2010) or Red Riding Hood (2011) but now they’re here to stay.

Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland
The tales seems to be catching on with many more strange yet appealing addapations of our old bedtime stories. With Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Jack and the Beanstalk all coming to the big screen soon. In 2012 itself we have not one but two big screen adaptations of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Relativity Media’s Mirror Mirror and Universal Studios’ Snow White & The Huntsman. Now you’re probably wondering how in the heck are the two movies going to be different? Well… they are.

Snow White and the Huntsman poster

Two posters for Mirror Mirror
Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) – with Twilight’s Kristen Stewart as Snow, Charlize Theron as the evil Queen and Chris ‘Thor’ Hemsworth as the Prince – is a much darker and more action-packed take on the original while Mirror Mirror (2012) – with Julia Roberts as the Queen and Lily Collins as Snow White – seems to keep some of the fairytale charm of the original while being an adventure comedy movie. We also have two extremely different visual styles (Mirror Mirror being directed by Tarsem Singh, so that’ll be interesting) for both movies as you can clearly see from the posters and trailers.

Nicholas Hoult as Jack (and the Giant Killer)
Next Year we can look forward to director Bryan Singer’s Jack the Giant Killer (2013), which is a spin on Jack and the Beanstalk where Jack accidentally plants magic beans and ends up stranding a princess up in Giant-land, followed by a war with the Giants.

The animated Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
And Maleficent (2013), is the tale of Sleeping Beauty told from the point of view of the evil witch Maleficent with Angelina Jolie playing the witchy role.

New pic of Anjelina Jolie as Maleficent
Trailer of Mirror Mirror:
Trailer of Snow White and the Huntsman:
And there’s also Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters in 2013 starring Jeremy Renner and Jemma Arterton as the lost siblings who after being stuck in a candy house all their childhood decide to take revenge on witches everywhere!
Sounds like the movies are looking at things from the darker side. Whether you remember the original versions of the Fairy Tales or not, this genre looks like it’s here to stay and it’s looking pretty damn good (or wicked) too.
What fairy tales do you think should be remade?
- Angelina Jolie as Maleficent
- Two posters for Mirror Mirror
- Snow White and the Huntsman poster
- Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland
- Nicholas Hoult as Jack (and the Giant Killer)
- The animated Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
- Julia Roberts as The Evil Queen (in Mirror Mirror)
- Lily Collins as Snow White in Mirror Mirror
- Kristen Stewart as Snow White (and the Huntsman)
- Charlize Theron as The Evil Queen (in Huntsman)
- New pic of Anjelina Jolie as Maleficent